
Russian Politics, & Personalities

Posts Tagged ‘Yelena Skrynnik


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This was too good to pass up.  Anatoly Perminov, the head of RosCosmos has a plan to “deploy defensive spacecraft against the Apophis asteroid”.

“I don’t remember exactly, but it seems to me it could hit the Earth by 2032.”

Really, Bro?  You are the head of RosCosmos, and you don’t know?  This is like the Skrynnik thing, but somehow so much worse.  Read the article anyway.  It is kind of funny.

Written by Nina Jobe

December 31, 2009 at 12:43 PM

Yelena Skrynnik

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This story came up on my Reader this morning, and it struck me as possibly being important.  Not the actual stuff about commodities (which I do not really understand, as I have never taken an economics course), but the bit about Yelena Skrynnik.  There is something going on within the Agriculture Ministry, but I cannot quite put my finger on what.  Part of me wants to say that she’s trying to feel her way through her first year.  And to a certain degree, I think that’s true.

But I just feel like there’s more going on here than just Lena being conservative with her numbers.

Written by Nina Jobe

December 16, 2009 at 2:48 PM